Limerick TD and Minister of State for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform has welcomed the decision of Limerick City and County Council to grant planning permission to Irish Water for the Athea Sewerage Scheme Upgrade.
“This is very welcome news for everyone who has worked to deliver the Athea Sewerage Scheme Upgrade. I secured the Irish Water investment to progress the scheme in the last Dáil and there was a number of hurdles to be crossed. This is by far the biggest, and the way is now clear for the scheme to progress to appoint a contractor to construct the scheme under the supervision of Irish Water.”
Irish Water confirmed to Minister O’Donovan that they have also finalised the contract documents for the scheme in Athea and that they will be in a position to allow construction on the scheme to commence by the end of March 2018 if there are no delays. They have also confirmed that the CCTV survey of the existing scheme is also complete.
Patrick O’Donovan added “The issue of the Athea Sewerage Scheme has been on the agenda since I entered Limerick County Council first in 2003. I am delighted as the local Minister here to have been able to use my position as a Minster locally here in Limerick to deliver this on behalf of the community in Athea. I know from the people living in the area that this investment will be very welcomed when completed as it will be a major vote of confidence in the village and wider community in Athea.”